



My Projects


A completely rewritten MPP server built from the ground up. This is going to be the new server for MPP.dev, a separate MPP server that I run for


As a frequent user, contributor, and, as of recently, an administrator, I have made good contributions to this site's development over the years, not just including code contributions and bug fixes, but also content creation and open-source packages for the community.


Wearable hats for MultiplayerPiano.net.

Singleplayer Piano

Tired of other people bothering you on Multiplayer Piano? This is probably my biggest waste of time.


A template for using TypeScript and roblox-ts with ComputerCraft. This speeds up development time by a lot, if you're using TypeScript for everything like me.


My in-game science and engineering company based around the SwitchCraft 3 Minecraft server. This is not a real company, only a group/hobby project that exists in the game.


The worst paint program I have ever made. Coincidentally, it's also the only paint program I have ever made, so it's also the best.

Skyrim Mouse Locker

I went out of my way and fixed a stupid Skyrim cursor bug with an external program.